Gynostemma ist eine Gattung von Kletterpflanzen aus der Familie der Kürbisse.
Gynostemma, der Familie umfasst mindestens 19 Arten.
Der deutsch-niederländische Botaniker Carl Ludwig Blume beschrieb Gynostemma aus zwei Arten:
Gynostemma pedata, pedatum.
Gynostemma simplicifolia, simplicifolium
Keine der beiden Arten wurde von ihm eindeutig als Typ bezeichnet;
Bei seiner Rückkehr in die Niederlande brachte er mehr als 3000 verschiedene und einzigartige Pflanzen und Blumen mit, einer so großen Menge, dass nicht alle Exemplare indexiert wurden.
Die frühere Art Gynostemma pedatum gilt heute jedoch als Synonym für Gynostemma pentaphyllum.
Das Manuskript wurde 1825 in Carl Ludwig von Blumes 'Beiträge zur Flora Niederländisch-Ostindiens veröffentlicht.
Gynostemma ist eine Gattung von Kletterpflanzen aus der Familie der Kürbisse.
Gynostemma, der Familie umfasst mindestens 19 Arten.
Der deutsch-niederländische Botaniker Carl Ludwig Blume beschrieb Gynostemma aus zwei Arten:
Gynostemma pedata, pedatum.
Gynostemma simplicifolia, simplicifolium.
Keine der beiden Arten wurde von ihm eindeutig als Typ bezeichnet;
Bei seiner Rückkehr in die Niederlande brachte er mehr als 3000 verschiedene und einzigartige Pflanzen und Blumen mit, einer so großen Menge, dass nicht alle Exemplare indexiert wurden.
Die frühere Art Gynostemma pedatum gilt heute jedoch als Synonym für Gynostemma pentaphyllum.
Das Manuskript wurde 1825 in Carl Ludwig von Blumes 'Beiträge zur Flora Niederländisch-Ostindiens veröffentlicht.
Autoren und Biografie
Autoren und Biografie
Info of the Manuscript Presented:
Bijdragen tot de Flora van Nederlansche Indie
C.L. Blume MD
Published at:
Batavia (Dutch-Indies)
In the Year:
Bioherby Research Department
Bioherby Research Department Jiaogulan
Bioherby Research Universität
Jiaogulan Research Institute - BHY Universitat fur Botanik
Jiaogulan Research - BHY Universität für Botanik
Jiaogulan Institute - BHY Universität für Botanik
Gynostemma Blume, der vergessene Pflanzen Name.
Gynostemma Blume, the forgotten Plant Name.
Research on Gynostemma Blume, the forgotten Plant Name.
Gynostemma Blume, The Forgotten Plant Name.
All Right Reserved, 2019, Bioherby COPYRIGHT _ Botanic Research Bioherby _ 2019
C.J. Blume collected more than 3000 Species / Samples between 1819-1826 on Java.
His arrival in Java was on on 11 January 1819.
In the seven years between 1819 and 1826 C.J. Blume travelled widely into West and Central Java, as far east as Rembang, often accompanied by assistants, draughtsmen and interested persons, collecting plants and also animals; gathering information on all sorts of aspects, including the medicinal value of certain plants, inspecting epidemics, etc. ;in short he was engaged in an
overall, thorough scientific exploration. An Adventure of Greatness.
He gathered many specimens, his herbarium specimens are still in excellent condition.
The writing of the "Flora of Dutch Indie, Contributions of " itself was a tremendous task,
not to mention the research and knowlegde to aquire, many of the Genere and Herbal,
Plant, Flower Species being new to science.
More than 700 Genera and Approx. 2400 species, belonging to 170 families of plants.
With so much newly discovered Plants, it is no wonder that not all of his discovered plants
where clearly indexed and designated. *Gynostemma Pedatum 1825.
The writing of the manuscript 'Flora of Dutch-Indies, Contributions of' was a tremendous task,
not to mention the research done and knowledge he had to acquire. The documented and Indexed Genera, the Plant and Flower Species, the Plant Families: All being completely new to science;
This astounding achievement, is known as “The 3000 Adventures of Bloem - Scientific Exploration of Botanical Greatness”, named after the huge amount of different Species, Genera and
Families he described, documented and indexed.
With so much newly discovered Botanic, it is no wonder, that a significant percentage of his newly discovered plants and flowers where not indexed in the IPNI*7. With over 3000 New Species this would have been a life time job ! Since there where no computers, one had to write a Manuscript for every single specimen of Botanic: Every one single plant species had to be fully described:
Plant anatomy, location where the specimen was found, hight, soil, etc, also one was expected
to Draw the specimen in Flowering state, to scale; Drawings from Herbarium Specimens:
One Manuscript can take up to a few days to a week; You can see the problem: When you as fanatical Botanicus find an non-index-species, yeah! you will be thrilled to mark, described, document, draw and index all new and unknown features, but if one has over 3000 new
species to mark,describe, document, draw and index..
Therefor a significant number of collected species where not indexed in IPNI. At least not officially, and the result is that other Botanic Researches, who did apply to IPNI, maybe even with the Data from Blume's Catalogi / Manuscripts, where able to claim the Species that where discovered, described AND indexed by Blume, The Manuscript and Sample of collected Species of the
Island of Java confirm this.
The fact:
It is obvious when looking to the Characteristics: the leaf in the Sample Species it is the Genus: Blume in 1925: Gynostemma Predata, 37 years later Makino named the exact same species : 'Gynostemma Pentaphyllum'. (1902.)
The Next Article is the official acknowledgement of Gynostemma Pentaphyllum in 1902.
Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunberg) Makino, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo). 16: 179. 1902.
绞股蓝 jiao gu lan
Stem and branches slender, angular-sulcate, glabrous or sparsely pubescent. Leaves pedately 3-9-foliolate, usually 5-7-foliolate, membranous or papery, pubescent or glabrous; leaflets ovate-oblong or lanceolate, median leaflets 3-12 × 1.5-4 cm, lateral leaflets smaller, both surfaces sometimes hispid, lateral veins 6-8 pairs, base attenuate, margin crenate, apex acute or shortly acuminate; petiolule 1-5 mm. Tendrils filiform, 2-fid. Male flowers in panicle; peduncle filiform, 10-15(-30) cm, many branched; pedicels filiform, 1-4 mm; bracteole subulate; calyx tube very short; segments triangular, ca. 0.7 mm, apex acute; corolla pale green or white; segments ovate-lanceolate, 2.5-3 × ca. 1 cm, 1-veined, apex long acuminate. Female flowers: panicle shorter than that of male flowers; calyx and corolla as in male flowers; ovary globose, 2- or 3-loculed; styles 3; stigmas 2-lobed; staminodes 5, short. Fruit indehiscent, black when mature, globose, 5-6 mm in diam., 2-seeded, glabrous or densely hispid and pubescent. Seeds brown, ovate-cordate, ca. 4 mm in diam., compressed, both surfaces papillose, base cordate, apex obtuse. Fl. Mar-Nov, fr. Apr-Dec.
Forests, thickets or roadsides on mountain slopes; 300-3200 m. Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Hainan, S Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shandong, Sichuan, Taiwan, Yunnan, Zhejiang [Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Indonesia, S Japan, S Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Guinea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam].
CJ Blume, wrote 3 articles on Gynostemma:
Gynostemma Blume, Bijdr. 23. 1825.
1825. 1825-1827 - Flora van Nederlandsch Indie, Bijdragen tot
绞股蓝属 jiao gu lan shu
Authors: Shukun Chen & Charles Jeffrey
Enkylia Griffith; Pestalozzia Zollinger & Moritzi; Trirostellum Z. P. Wang & Q. Z. Xie.
Herbs, perennial, scandent, glabrous or pubescent. Leaves alternate, pedate, with 3-9 leaflets, rarely simple; leaflet blade ovate-lanceolate. Tendrils bifurcate, rarely simple. Plants dioecious, rarely monoecious. Flowers unisexual, in racemes or panicles, axillary or terminal; pedicel articulate; bracteole basal. Male flower: calyx tube short, 5-lobed; segments narrowly lanceolate; corolla greenish or white, rotate, deeply 5-lobed; segments lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate, involute in bud; stamens 5, inserted at base of perianth tube; filaments short, connate; anthers erect, ovoid, 2-celled, dehiscence longitudinal; connective narrow, but not extended; pollen grains globose or elliptic, longitudinally striate or smooth, dehiscent by pores; rudimentary pistil absent. Female flowers: calyx and corolla as in male flower; staminodes present; ovary globose, 2-5-locular; styles 3, rarely 2, 4, or 5, free; stigmas 2 or 1 and crescent-shaped and irregularly incised-dentate; ovules 2, pendulous in each locule. Berry globose, in form and size like a pea, or capsule, 3-lobed from top, top umbonulate or with 3 persistent long styles. Seeds 2 or 3, broadly ovate, compressed, with papillae or spiniform papillae.
About 17 species: tropical Asia to E Asia, from the Himalaya to Japan, Malaysia, and New Guinea; 14 species (nine endemic) in China.
The Original Manuscript, C.J. Blume 1825:
Description and Index of Species:
Description and Index of Sub-Species:
All Right Reserved, 2019, Bioherby COPYRIGHT _ Botanic Research Bioherby _ 2019
All Right Reserved, 2019, Bioherby COPYRIGHT _ Botanic Research Bioherby _ 2019
Herb. Lugd. Batav.
Is an Indexing Method the Dutch used
in the Dutch-Indies, Herb=Herb/herbal/ Batav=Batavia.
\Natuur- en geneeskundig archief voor Neêrland's Indië,
1493 = Adminitration Number for indexing,
This is the Personal Number of CJ Blume.
Under Adminitration 1493 is written:
Gynostemma Simplicifolia,
This sample Originates from Java.
Gynostemma Simplicifolium
Documented and Index in the Modern IPNI Plant Index system in 1825.
Description and Index of Sub-Species:
Indexing of Sub-Species:
Gynostemma PeData, Blume, 1825.
TITLE: Bijdragen tot de FLora van Nederlandsch Indie, PAGE: 23, BLUME, 1825.
Description and Index of Species:
Description and Index of Sub-Species:
1825, Batavia, BLUME CJ.
Description and Index of Sub-Species:
1825, Batavia, BLUME CJ.
- Evidence. A:1
Species of ' Gynostemma Pedatum'.
Date of Specimen: 1819 / 1825
Botanist: Carl Ludwig Blume (1429)
Location of Sample : Java.
202750, L.0588326.
Examination of the Sample:
1429 - Administration Number of BLUME CJ,
Date of Collection: 1819 / 1825,
Collector: BLUME CJ,
Location: Java,
Collected by & in : Herb. Lugd. Batav.
Its very good to see in this given Sample its the 5-star leaf, similair in Gynostemma Pentaphyllum, in fact : Pentaphyllum means: 5-star in Latin.
W 1913 - 0004972
When we take a look at the leaf: a 5-star.
That would make this Species Gynostemma Pedata.
202750; L. 05588321,
Evidence: CC3.
Carl Ludwig Blume,
Indexed AND Documented AND included various Samples:
Species: Gynostemma.
Subspecies: Pedatum.
Year: 1825.
Species of ' Gynostemma Pedatum,
Date of Specimen: 1819 / 1824
Published : 1825.
Botanist: Carl Ludwig Blume ( Admin. Account: 1429)
Location of Sample : Java.
202750; L. 05588321,
Evidence: CC3.
Carl Ludwig Blume,
Indexed AND Documented AND included various Samples:
Species: Gynostemma.
Subspecies: Pedatum.
Year: 1825.
Species of ' Gynostemma Pedatum,
Date of Specimen: 1819 / 1824
Published : 1825.
Botanist: Carl Ludwig Blume ( Admin. Account: 1429)
Location of Sample : Java.
All Right Reserved, 2019, Bioherby COPYRIGHT _ Botanic Research Bioherby _ 2019
All Right Reserved, 2019, Bioherby COPYRIGHT _ Botanic Research Bioherby _ 2019